Dr. Carrol McLaughlin Workshops and Masterclasses, Jan. 9-10, ’16



The Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Harp Society (SVCAHS) and the Chinese Music Teachers Association of Northern California (CMTANC) are teaming up to bring renowned harpist and teacher, Dr. Carrol McLaughlin, to Silicon Valley in January for two workshops and Master Classes.

The first workshop will be: “Healing Harps and Improvisational Skills”. The workshop is sponsored by SVCAHS and will take place at 3:00 pm Saturday, January 9, 2016 at Trinity Church, 330 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025.

Dr. McLaughlin has researched the amazing power of the harp to heal. In this workshop, you will learn to “tap into” the pitches and harmonies the patient needs to hear so they may relax, balance and heal. This is a “Hands On” workshop, so come and bring your own harp. Cost is $15 for SVCAHS members and $25 for non-members. Contact Linda Rollo (lwrollo@gmail.com) to RSVP for the Healing Harps workshop.


The second workshop will be: “Overcome Stage Fright and Perform at Your Best, Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming Skills.” 1:30 pm Sunday, January 10, 2016 at the Berryessa Branch San Jose Library, 3355 Noble Ave., San Jose, CA 95132.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) examines the way the brain works and how you can program your mind to help you perform better and be at your best in any situation. This information will not only affect your musical performance, but also impact many areas of your life where you wish to achieve at a higher, more creative level.  Sponsored by the Chinese Music Teachers Association of Northern California (CMTANC), which will charge $10 for non-members of either CMTANC or SVCAHS.  http://www.cmtanc.org/ for more information, contact info@cmtanc.org.


Dr. McLaughlin has performed extensively as a soloist and with orchestras throughout the world. She holds a Master of Music degree from The Julliard School and a Doctor of Music Arts from the University of Arizona where she has been Professor of Harp since 1982. Carrol is the founder and director of the internationally acclaimed touring ensemble, HarpFusion, one of the world’s largest harp ensembles, which is recognized for its innovative and creative programming. Carrol also combines classical harp repertoire on the concert stage with original pop and jazz arrangements…a skill she learned while performing at a young age with her father’s jazz bands.

An inspirational speaker, Dr. McLaughlin offers insights and techniques to impact all aspects of life. Please contact Sonya Yu (musica2g@yahoo.com) to schedule private lessons and Masterclass with Dr. McLaughlin on Jan. 9 and 10, 2016.

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