Morning session with Gail Lew, New Music Reviewer for The California Music Teacher magazine.
“Contemporary Music to Motivate Your Students”
Oct. 9, 2013 (Wednesday), 9:30AM
Lincoln Glen Church
2700 Booksin Avenue
San Jose
“Now is the time, many of us try to search good CM contemporary music for our students. If you have questions about CM contemporary repertoire materials, or you just like to know what are new piano publications in the market, you must come to this event! We would like to welcome Ms. Gail Lew to be our speaker this month.
“In this lively, fast-paced, informative, and practical session GAIL LEW will bring you the best of new publications HOT OFF THE PRESS along with suggestions for Contemporary Repertoire for CM evaluations! The focus of the session will be on technical and pedagogical aspects of the repertoire along with teaching tips and ideas to promote artistic performance by students. Attending teachers will receive a FREE packet with new piano publications, promotional materials from major publishers, and two comprehensive handouts with suggestions of contemporary music from Level 1 – Advanced and a second handbook with pedagogical features in new publications suitable for New Materials Recitals. LOTS OF DOOR PRIZES TOO!”